Is “Speed” Part of Your Leadership Training Curriculum?

A man is running at lightning speed...background is a blur

Don’t be hogtied by the once-prevailing belief that speed sacrifices quality. In today’s fast-paced environment, speed can (and should) be your competitive advantage. Our Silicon Valley clients certainly move at an unbelievable pace that helps them to beat their competition.

The best leaders understand this. They know that fast product development, fast decision-making, and fast execution all contribute to a real advantage in the marketplace. As you design your leadership training programs, be sure to make speed a habit you build and encourage with reinforcement and rewards so the organization overall develops the ability to move fast.

Here are some areas of focus:

  • Decision Making. Every time there is a decision to be made, think about how much effort and time should be expended and who should be involved. Some decisions will have to be made more slowly because they are more complex or more critical than others. But for the run-of-the-mill decisions, putting a time limit on it will move things along. And even if the decision’s not perfect, most of the time it’s better to have it made and implemented than to delay and never get around to its execution.
  • Decision Execution. Get in the habit of asking why a decision can’t be implemented sooner. Often that little push inspires extra effort and a “can-do” attitude that benefits every organization.  Think about removing barriers and simplifying.
  • Decision Acceleration. Try to tackle the big chunks of the plan at the outset. This will move the rest of the project along far faster. And use the “competition” tool. Now and then just the mention of your competition is healthy. It keeps everyone focused on the project at hand and working with a sense of urgency.

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