What Leaders Should Gain from Leadership Development

What should leaders expect to get out of Leadership Development Programs?

In our opinion, leaders should expect to be able to make a measurable impact on the business.

In our High Performance master class for executives, we insist upon real and measurable benefits for the participants.

During the last half-day session at the end of the year-long program, leader-participants describe what actions they took and why, as well as the specific results achieved. They present to a group of about twenty that is comprised of their organization’s CEO, board members, and their peers.

Some will have very positive results and can highlight significant improvement in their team’s performance. Other leaders will be able to point toward financial gains. All have learned what actions they as leaders can take to motivate their teams toward higher performance.

They understand the consequences of fuzzy performance criteria and what happens to high performers when you hold on to low performers. And they have learned what levers they can pull to heighten overall team performance and achieve greater revenue.

Throughout the year-long program, the emphasis is not on theory but on taking the right actions.

Are your leaders taking the right actions?

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