Leadership 360’s - Mirror, Mirror on the…

Awareness. Starting at a young age it provides a powerful and important perspective.

A large part of being an effective leader is having a clear picture of your strengths and weaknesses…leveraging those strengths and finding ways to overcome your weaknesses.

Often this picture is provided in a 360° survey. But if you don’t have access to a 360° assessment, there is another way to get the information…simply by asking colleagues.

If you approach them sincerely, the feedback they give you will be a lot more valuable—and reliable—than what your mirror will tell you.
  1. Ask first for your strengths. Your colleagues will feel more comfortable initially describing positive aspects of your character and working style.

  2. Uncover big liabilities. Once you convince them of your earnest desire to improve, ask them to name any faults they have observed, especially those that might hinder your job success.

  3. Flex your style. Finally, to get a sense of how best to work with each team member, ask which of your virtues they as individuals value most.

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