How Effective Leaders Communicate Strategy

Unfortunately, it is rare to find leaders who effectively communicate their strategic vision at the depth and consistency required to mobilize the troops.

Imagine if only a few synchronized swimmers knew the routine or if only half of the football team knew the play. What if one member of the band did not know the song?

Effective leadership communication ensures that everyone understands the content and context of the strategy. To succeed, leaders must make sure that their strategy is:
  1. Understood by everyone

  2. Directly linked to everyone’s work

  3. Believed to be potent enough to achieve the desired results

  4. Perceived as worth the struggle
For the message to be believed, leaders must also be seen as trustworthy and competent, have the tenacity to see the strategy through, be open to receiving and acting upon feedback, and truly care about the impact of the initiatives on their direct reports.

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