How to Deal with Conflict in the Workplace in 3 Smart Steps

Leadership training programs acknowledge that a certain amount of conflict in the workplace is inevitable.

They maintain that conflict, handled well, can produce rich discussions that embrace different points of view and result in better problem-solving and decision-making. So why do so many of us avoid these difficult situations?

Probably because of the fear of being bullied, shouted down or criticized.

But it is time to get over this emotional reaction. There is far more to be gained by confronting the conflict than by running away from it.

Do it this way:

    1. Remember that it is not about you…it is about the needs of the business.
    2. Stay calm.
    3. Frame your comments objectively and make requests rather than demands.

A possible scenario: at every project meeting, one coworker dominates the discussion and succeeds in winning ever dwindling resources. You need to re-focus the team on the overall vision of what you are trying to achieve and the resources it will take to reach the goal. Sit down with your coworker to review what resources are available. Both of you agree resources are limited. How can they be allocated to see that every aspect of the project will be covered? If only one aspect of the project is funded, the goal will not be met.

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